STOP the Red Light and Speed Ticket Cameras!
Do you hate red light ticket cameras and speed ticket cameras? They're not about safety, they are a money making scam for politicians and...

Libertarian Legislative Action Committee
Libertarians lobbied hard at the Capitol this legislative session, promoting "Food Freedom" issues like the legalization of Raw Milk and...

Supporting 2nd Amendment Rights at the Gun Show.
The Libertarians hosted an information table at the Great Southern Gun and Knife Show at the Pontchatrain Center in Kenner on July 13th...

Adam Kokesh "FREEDOM" book tour!
The Libertarians hosted Adam Kokesh at Parkway Bakery as part of his "FREEDOM!" Book Release Party on the American Campfire Freedom Tour....

Libertarians at the Bayou Boogaloo
Libertarians were out in full force at the Bayou Boogaloo this weekend, registering new members and enjoying festivities! Thanks to...

College Libertarians at UNO
College Libertarians at UNO was founded in the fall of 2014. Each semester we table regularly in the Quad. Liberty is a popular notion...

Oak Street Block Party!
Libertarians welcomed revelers enjoying Jazz Fest celebrations at the Oak Street Block Party. Liberty and music go hand in hand. Welcome...

Abita Springs Farmers Market
Libertarians are serious about "Food Freedom." People should be free grow and sell their own food. We also believe farmers should be free...

Loyola Libertarians with Dr. Walter Block
Congratulations to the newly established College Libertarians at Loyola! Thanks to founder and President Richard Fast for organizing the...

Tabling at Loyola University
The Libertarians tabled at Loyola University as we established our newest College Affiliate, College Libertarians at Loyola University....